Part of the series “Chasing Consciousness: From Cells to Societies, Neuroscience to Machine Awareness”
Speakers: Marcelo Gleiser (The Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement, Dartmouth) and Julia Buntaine (SciArt Center/Rutgers University)
We humans spend a lot of time wondering about our identities, about how we relate to one another and to the world around us. The sciences, the arts, and the various fields of inquiry grouped as the humanities, all attempt to build upon this quest, bringing meaning to our existence. After centuries of bigotry and division, there is a new vision emerging, bringing together these “different ways of knowing” as complementary ways to make sense of who we are. Join physicist, writer, and director of the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement at Dartmouth Marcelo Gleiser and artist, co-founder and director of SciArt Center Julia Buntaine to explore this complementarity of knowing, starting with the general question “What is Reality?” in hopes of forging new paths of mutual engagement between the disciplines.
Friday, October 7, 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Art Lounge of the Rubin Museum of Art