• WeWork Park South (map)
  • 110 East 28th Street, 8th-Floor Lounge
  • New York, NY, 10016
  • United States

Speaker: Stephen Burlingham, an artist and thought-leader who works on projects around the world promoting global mind change.

Abstract: Life and work exploring the tangible-intangible frontier, where the moment of truth is an infinite instant. Mr. Burlingham discusses Whisper and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; the GATEWAY art installation project and the initial engagement with Apple; and nevohteeB {Beethoven Backwards}, a current multi-media collaborative work-in-progress. Forget everything you know.

Entrance is free. Registration is required. Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/consciousness-club-31-seeing-what-cannot-be-seen-tickets-43535954211